Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Angry Sarah Palin supporters calling for the resignation of David Letterman. What's wrong with these a-holes?

Letterman responds to the hullabaloo.


Shane said...

Wow! That's the scariest footage I've seen in awhile. The right wingnuts are so desperate that they'll twist things in their tiny minds anyway they want to advance their agenda. Who has the sick mind, the joker or the one who perceives the joke as advocating raping 14-year-old girls? Hello!! The other daughter, 18, the one who had a child out of wedlock!!!

Bob Rini said...

Absolutely, Shane! The pro-Palin, anti-Letterman protesters showed such vicious hatred they lost all credibility and claims to the moral high ground. They twisted the "facts" for their own purposes, and showed their stupidity. I guess Sarah Palin counts on this twisted story--and these ignorant minions--to get her the publicity she desperately requires. It's sad that people are such willing sheep.