Who's watching the Watchmen? Everyone, evidently. It smashed attendance records this opening weekend. The comic book adaptation about a team of retired, flawed superheroes took $55.7 million - the biggest opening weekend of 2009 so far. Obviously, more then just drooling fanboys took in the show. Some of them may have actually brought dates.

Is it worth all the fuss? I don't know. Honestly, I'm tired of movies made from comic books and the general dumbing down of film storylines. I haven't read the comic or seen the movie, but I intend to, otherwise my cartoonist buddies will treat me like the Furies treated Orpheus. The comic looks like beautiful work, so maybe I'll start there.
'Nuff said!

The book is definitely a must. I'm in no hurry to see the film, myself.
You're right. The book is the way to go.
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