Jon Stewart takes on the teabaggers in this clip from the Daily Show. Just so you know where we stand, we believe health care should be a right and not a luxury. Call us liberal, but we don't think people should die because they lack money.
Of course, there's another side to the story, and here are a couple "teabaggers" to present their perspective:

Selfishness is always a selling point for morons--that is, until they get some debilitating disease that threatens their meager savings, and then they'll be first in line for Medicare, Medicaid, all that "socialist" jazz they're crying about. Talk is cheap. Empathy might be too much to ask, but give this guy an impacted wisdom tooth and he'd probably join the fricking Red Army for some Novocaine.

This guy is scary. I don't know where to begin with his idiotic sign. Is it racist, antisemitic, historically ignorant--or all of the above? They used to call these types "The Lunatic Fringe." They come out of their caves every so often to fight against integration, against fluoridation, against the abolition of slavery, against witches. Their world is changing and it scares them shitless. We've always had frightened, selfish people dragging their heals as humanity strives for progress and enlightenment, only now they have their own TV shows.
Glad you like the blog. I hope we can move on this health care reform and leave the troglodytes behind--maybe they'll never catch up, but should we wait for the most backward among us before we move forward?
Thanks for the Stewart clip. Came across an even scarier vision over here:
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